We make it easy to complete the sales transaction
We guide the career school owner through all of the complexities of a merger, acquisition, or divestiture and coordinate with the various parties to the transaction. This includes attorneys, accountants, funding sources, and financial advisors. We recommend the transaction structures that maximize economic value and satisfy your objectives.
School Valuations
Ask about our preliminary valuation of your school. We suggest the appropriate asking price and assess the likelihood of realizing it in the marketplace. We utilize various programs to estimate fair-market value and combine different recognized valuation methods. We also offer fee-based valuations for career school owners seeking valuations for other purposes.
What our Services Include
Services include valuation analysis, custom-tailored marketing plans, introduction to pre-screened prospective buyers and investors, analysis of offers, and representation throughout the entire process.
Steps in the Process
- We introduce you to prescreened prospective buyers. We have a database of qualified entities interested in acquiring career schools. This includes strategic corporate buyers for platform or add-on acquisitions, high net-worth individuals, private equity firms, and other qualified parties interested in the career school sector.
- We select and screen candidates and structure alternatives.
- We ensure a streamlined transaction for you.
Complete Confidentiality and Fees
Our relationship with you is conducted with complete confidentiality, commitment, and high ethical standards. We earn your trust and confidence and we earn our fee only when we are successful.