
Licensing & Accreditation

Some time ago you contacted us about licensing or accreditation assistance. We would like to know where you are in the process and how effective our analysis was. Could you please let us know by completing this short 8 item survey? We would appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

Dr. Susan F. Schulz
Career School Developer

1. I found the analysis useful. If you didn't receive an analysis, skip to item #3. Yes
2. I would have liked more information about:
3. We have started the licensing or accreditation process. Yes
In 2002
4. If no, what are the barriers to starting the process?
5.  Do you feel you  can complete the process on your own? Yes
Don't Know
6. If no, what kind of assistance do you feel you need?
7. Do you want to be contacted about assistance that we can provide? Yes
8. If yes, please tell us who to contact.
Name Title
Phone Email

We are specialists at working at a distance!

Susan F. Schulz & Associates, Inc.


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Susan F. Schulz & Associates, Inc.
Post Office Box 2589, Boca Raton, Florida 33427
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Email  sfs@susanfschulz.com

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